Childcare Centre News: June 15th to 19th

Play Group

Speech and Language: “This, That, These and Those”

Children will be learning to answer when their name is called from a roll book, (e.g. “Anseo” = Here or Present).

Children take turns each day to set the table for snack time. This really helps them with self-esteem and confidence.



Poetry time

“How do I love thee” Poem by Barret Browning.

Shared Reading

Story Time “The Hobbit”


Koala Pre-school Group

Through play, the children make sense of the world around them, through play based curriculum. They also make friends, take turns and learn to manage conflict.

Koala After-school Group

We have a range of activities, Arts and Crafts,Cooking, Sports and Computers. The activities vary every week.


Dolphin Pre-school Group

The children are getting ready to go to school in September. We have lots of messy activities especially gluing and playing the animal sound game. The children really enjoy going to the hall to play games which help them understand the concept of sharing and taking part in teams.

Dolphin After-school Group

The children enjoy all kinds of arts and crafts. They draw everyday and show lots of creativity and imagination.

Tuesday – Music Extravaganza

Thursday – Adopt a Street Project in association with Dublin City Council