Judging Panel Confirmed


Host Brendan CourtneyWe are delighted to announce our Celebrity Judging panel for the Ozanam Come Dancing charity event 2016.

He graced the stage for us last year, and had such good fun he just had to come back! The well known TV presenter and celebrity, Mr Brendan Courtney will host the event for us again this year!


Our first Celebrity Judge is a familiar face to our panel; Katherine Lynch, the well-known Irish TV Personality and Comedian.
She brings her own style and flare and we are delighted to have her as part of our judging panel again this year.
GaryCookeOur second Celebrity Judge is Mr Gary Cooke, an Irish Actor, Satirist and Writer who is one of the stars on screen, of ‘Après Match‘ and on stage, ‘I, Keano‘ and ‘MacBecks‘.
He may even bring some of his characters with him on the night!



Ozanam Come Dancing 2014, Host Tony Rock

And finally, but not least, our third judge is Mr Tony Rock, Manager at Ozanam House Resource Centre. He has all the inside knowledge on how the dancers have been progressing since they started to learn their dance routines!