Dear Friends,
It is that time of the year again…. the buds are back on the trees, the sun is trying its hardest to shine…. and we are hoping that you will be interested and able to come back to Ozanam House and join our Summer Project Team again this year.
This year our summer projects, both senior and youth projects are being coordinated by our long time Volunteers, Eireann and Nino and they are hoping that you will be able to once again share your expertise and your energy to assist them in running a successful project in 2018.
Having volunteers who have been on the project before makes such a HUGE difference to the success of the summer.
Your knowledge, skills and experience as well as the confidence that you bring has such a positive impact on the projects and is a big support to our coordinators and to those volunteers who will be joining us for the first time.
We would love to have you back!
We are trying to have our team confirmed and in place by MID MAY this year so if you are interested in coming back on board this year please let us know asap.
I have attached a ‘Returning Volunteer Interest Form’ that you could fill in and send back to us or just drop us a line letting us know when you are available and we will do the rest.
In the meantime if you have any questions or queries just let us know
Phone us on: 01-874-2804
Or email: