Changing Seasons- The New Term in Ozanam House

There are no Adult Education classes over the summer, however, that doesn’t mean Kim and co aren’t busy in the background preparing for the autumn classes. There are life skill classes such as computers, DIY, Dress making, Cookery, social classes in art and choir, and fitness and well being classes in Yoga and Mindfulness and dance. We are are pleased to announce that we are adding a new Philosophy class in our ‘Love Learning’ section.

“Philosophy takes a look at life’s big questions. Over 10 weeks, we will discuss the questions that occupied the minds of the greatest thinkers the world has ever known.

We will begin in ancient Greece by examining the thoughts and ideas of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. The ideas of Plato and Aristotle are still very relevant in today’s society, particularly in the area of ethics or ‘moral philosophy’.” We then go through the Middle Ages before discussing Kant, Sartre and Nietzsche.

To find out more contact us or see flyer below.

Prog flyer Autumn 2018