The Summer Sessions 2020: Different, but Still Fun

Earlier in the summer, in midst of uncertainty and anxiety, we asked our past and current volunteers to brave the challenges this year has thrown at us and help us provide small Summer Sessions for children and young people in our community. More than ever before, our volunteers’ commitment and care for our centre have blown us away!

It has been so fantastic to see familiar faces coming back in the centre and slowly and surely filling the building up with warmth and laughter again. With volunteers’ help and support, we were able to make the best of a very challenging summer and provide the children and young people with a place to get away and have fun. They have needed this break even more so this summer. 

We may not have gone to our usual summer destinations but this didn’t stop us packing in as much fun as we could; we made our own ice cream, turned Mountjoy Square Park into our own water fighting zone, went kayaking in the Liffey, made friends with tons of puppies in the park, everyone got their own bowls for cooking and what a delight it has been for the younger children, learned some Ukulele, learned all the TicTok dances, some were better than others at this! Community scavenger hunters made friends with our local Garda, wrote heartfelt poetry, did some cool graffiti art and so much more!  

For all us, this year has been underlined by the personal and social challenges of all sorts. However, this year has also shown us the strength of our community spirit and the continued trust and passion of our volunteers and community alike. While the months ahead may continue to be filled with challenges we know that no matter what we can rely on each other to support our communities.