Psychology Tutor

A safe place where people learn and grow,

that serves our needs and enriches our lives

in a supportive, fun and caring environment’

 As part of our Adult Education Programme, we are also looking for a Psychology Tutor. A deeper look at the psychological process can improve many elements of day-to-day life. For more details see the description below.

Adult Education – Introduction to Psychology

Our organisation

Ozanam House is a community resource centre run by the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul. It is located on the site of the original clothing and furniture warehouse in a building that has also been used by the Society for a variety of purposes for over 100 years. Since our opening in September 2002 we have continued to develop various programmes and projects aimed at addressing the issue of social exclusion as well as the many needs of the local community in Dublin’s north inner city. The centre now offers over 600 programme places to more than 500 people per week where our youngest member is 2 and our eldest is 96. We also engage 75 active volunteers who share their time and skills each week for the benefit of others.

Adult Education – Introduction to Psychology – Wednesdays, 7.00-8.30 pm.

One of the courses we are really excited about is our Introduction to Psychology classes.  Each individual course runs for 10 weeks and each class is 1.5hrs in duration.

The aim of the course is to provide people with a good all-round understanding of psychology and its benefits. It is the “understanding what we do and why we do it”.  A deeper look at the psychological process can improve many elements of day-to-day life like understanding ourselves better, improving relations with friends and family, developing critical thinking and better communication skills.

Overview of the volunteer role

To reach our full potential and to achieve our goals in the classes, we are constantly seeking new volunteers to share their interest and knowledge.  All our community education classes take place in an informal setting. Our classes are focused on the needs of the individuals who take them.


  • Preparation of the classes according to a given course outline
  • Take class attendance on a daily basis
  • Teach the class
  • Supervise the group
  • Act as a mentor and help the people with their learning goals
  • Motivate and encourage the group to use their skills and passions
  • To attend team meetings and training days if/when possible
  • To follow the policies and procedures of Ozanam House which can be found in the induction pack or in the office
  • Other general responsibilities in the context of the role as agreed with the co-ordinator
  • Introduce new members to the group and ensure all members are included and engaged in the activity

Time commitment

Classes will take place on Wednesday evenings 7 – 8:30 pm.

The volunteer should commit to at least one of the classes mentioned above plus extra time for the preparation of the classes (the exact times and days of working will be agreed between the volunteer and the programme co-ordinator). The volunteer should commit to a minimum period of nine months. This covers 3 terms with each term lasting 10 weeks. This offers consistency to a class level and offers the volunteer the opportunity to develop that class well over time.

Other volunteers
In addition, we welcome applications from potential volunteers who have specific expertise or skills which they can contribute. Based on the skills offered we can tailor a course for a term of 10 weeks. The time commitment for these volunteers will be agreed in advance with the coordinator.

Skills, Experience & Qualities Required

  • Interest in psychology and skills in psychology
  • Ability to relate well to people and enjoy dealing with them
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team
  • Self-confidence and general ease with other people
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills – vital in a supportive role
  • Good organisational skills
  • Good level of English
  • High motivation and engagement to be a volunteer over a longer period of time
  • Commitment to the ethos of volunteering and a community-based initiative

Training & Induction

  • The volunteer will receive an induction/information night in the centre prior to his/her introduction and will get a general information pack to become familiar with the centre and our procedures
  • The volunteer will have an initial meeting with the co-ordinator to receive a role-specific induction and to agree a timetable and schedule of duties in line with the volunteer role description
  • Team meetings take place each term,  as well as individual training programmes that will be provided if/where necessary

Support & Supervision

The co-ordinator will be responsible for the supervision of the volunteer. Volunteers will meet with their co-ordinator either in one-to-one meetings, or in larger group meetings to discuss ongoing progress and any issues arising.
General volunteer meetings, for all volunteers, will take place twice a year, in May and November.


  • Personal and professional development
  • Sharing knowledge that can help others enrich their lives
  • To be part of a progressive and energetic team supporting others to improve their lives
  • Opportunity to work in and learn about a community resource centre
  • Opportunity to build up valuable work experience
  • Tea and coffee will be provided for all volunteer


Kim Haugh

Tel: 01 8742804