A Big Night for Our Adult Education Graduates

Last night, we hosted what will become the first of many Adult Education Ceremonies. We had students, teachers and volunteers in attendance. All of our wonderful students received their certificates and the event allowed us to reflect on the importance of continuing education, regardless of age, level or ability.

This was also a celebration of all the effort the students put in over the term. The hours of work, effort and concentration have paid off. The joy when receiving their certs was palpable. The displays of the students’ work were brilliant and really highlighted their talents. From dressmaking and art, to DIY, computers and mobile phones, choir, dancing and mindfulness and yoga, as well the cookery class providing some lovely food.

Lastly, but definitely by no means least, we had to say thank you. Not only to the students that attend Ozanam House, but to those that put in the hard-work and dedication to run the classes. From the volunteers, teachers and Kim, who oversees it all. The success of this programme is dependent upon them all. Thank you