Next Registration Day for Adult Education Classes

Monday 21st September 2015

The next registration day for our Adult Education Courses in on 21st September 2015,
from 9am to 8pm.

Computer Training
Home Life Classes
Health and Fitness
Creative Classes
English Language


We will have FREE Demo Classes on 17th September 2015!

Cooking Class Demo:
10.30am to 12pm and 7pm to 9pm.

Sewing / Home furnishing Class Demo:
10.30am to 12.30pm.

Fitness Class Demo:
10.30am to 12.30pm.

For further information please call 01 8742804 or visit us in Ozanam House Resource Centre at 53 Mountjoy Square West, Dublin 1.

FREE Demonstration Classes

We are hosting FREE Demonstration Classes on 17th September 2015 in Ozanam House Resource Centre!

Come in and join us for FREE Demo Classes in:

From 10.30am to 12pm and 7pm to 9pm.

Sewing / Home furnishing:
From 10.30am to 12.30pm.

Health and Fitness Classes:
From 10.30am to 12.30pm.

Registration day for all our Adult Education classes is on Monday 21st September 2015, 9am to 8pm.
For further information please call 01 8742804 or call in to us at 53 Mountjoy Square West, Dublin 1.

Ozanam House Volunteers

Interested in Volunteering?

Running a service like Ozanam House is only possible with the assistance of our volunteers who take an active and central role in the running and facilitation of all programmes in the centre. We are continuously recruiting volunteers for the various projects and programmes and your involvement really can make a great difference, one that is positive and rewarding.

We are delighted that you were interested in contributing your service as a volunteer! Now is the perfect time to get involved and help out in the community in a fun and active way!
All our volunteers must have Garda Vetting Clearance processed through the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul. This can take time to process so please ensure you contact us early!

To start the process contact us now and we will forward you the necessary application forms, we are looking forward to hearing from you!

Phone: 01-874-2804

Email: [email protected]

Forecast Competition 2015 Rugby World Cup

The deadline for entry has been reached, the Rugby World Cup has started, & entry coupons are no longer accepted.


2015-Rugby-ForecastCompetition-Sidebar2Predict the outcome of the 2015 Rugby World Cup for your chance to win cash prizes with our fantastic Forecast Competition.

Top Prize €1000!

2nd Place = €750, 3rd Place = €500, 4th Place = €250, 5th Place = €100 and 10 Spot Prizes of €50!



The Deadline is Extended until 8pm, Friday 18th Sept. 2015!!!!!

This competition is fully accessible online in digital format, or alternatively you can pick up an Entry Form at reception in Ozanam House.

Online Entry:

  1. Visit the Forecast Competition page and click Register.
  2. Enter your contact details, and create your own private password for your account.
    League / Organisation PIN
    The Ozanam House League / Organisation PIN is: 1234
  3. Click ‘Submit‘ to create your account.
  4. Choose your preferred payment option (online payment or in cash).
  5. Make your forecast and be sure to click ‘Save Changes‘.
  6. Using your unique e-mail and password to Log-in to your account, you can make as many changes to your forecast as you wish, up to and including the 17th September 2015.
  7. You can enter as many times as you like, just remember that the entry fee is €10 for each forecast.
  8. Sit back, watch the games and follow your progress on the online Leader-board and see how your ranking changes as the competition progresses.

Paper Format Entry:

  1. Pick up your paper Forecast Coupon from Ozanam House Resource Centre.
  2. Complete the Entry Form Fully – Please read it carefully and follow included instructions.
  3. Enter your Name, Address, Contact Number and Email address.
  4. Return your Entry Form to Ozanam House, plus €10 entry fee by 17th September 2015.
  5. Sit back, watch the games and follow your progress on the online Leader-board and see how your ranking changes as the competition progresses.

Further links to game rules, scoring and info about the competition are below:

Win a car with Ozanam House SVP

This is your chance to win a car with Ozanam House, SVP!
Tickets €5 each, or 3 tickets for just €10!

Every penny from every ticket sold in Ozanam House goes directly to Ozanam House!
Tickets are available in Ozanam House, Just ask at the office or reception.

Your chance to win a car

Your chance to win a car with Ozanam House SVP.


This raffle is now complete.
Thank you for your support.
The winner will be announced soon.

Volunteers Urgently Needed


We desperately need volunteers for the Summer Project in July, mainly the final 2 weeks of July.

If you even have a day or two to offer it would be great to have you back on board. As a Returning Volunteer who knows the ropes, your help and assistance would be invaluable.

Please get in touch asap if you can help us.

Many Thanks,

The Ozanam House Team.