The Koala Preschool Group are talking about the Summer and all that it brings – especially the fun things like going to the beach.
Here they have created a fantastic art piece from floor to ceiling!
The Koala Preschool Group are talking about the Summer and all that it brings – especially the fun things like going to the beach.
Here they have created a fantastic art piece from floor to ceiling!
Our Dolphin After School Class cleaned up Grenville Street as part of the Adopt a Street Campaign. We used all the equipment given to us by the Council. We helped each other, great team work!
It felt great to help keep our community tidy.
Grinds Club for Junior Cert. students.
Senior Youth Service 1 going to cinema.
Start winding down of youth group for the summer.
Comedy Club with Katherine Lynch.
Grinds Club for Leaving Cert. students.
Irish – 10am
Best and worst advice I ever got… Activity – 11am
Tai Chi with Pauline – 12pm
Bridge – 10am
Heads Up Game – 11am
Cards & Board games – 11.45am
Darts, Bowls or Bingo
Pool Competition – 2pm.
There will be prizes for 1st & 2nd Places, all are welcome.
Meditation / Relaxation – 4pm to 5pm in the library.
The Ozanam House kids are adopting the streets of Dublin.
Our Childcare and Afterschool kids have adopted Grenville Street, Dublin 1 and will be going out picking up litter in association with Dublin City Council on Thursday.
The Ozanam Youth Group have adopted Mountjoy Square Park, Dublin 1.
With volunteers and weather permitting, the Youth Group will be looking after the park over the next few weeks.
If you wish to find out more about the Adopt A Street scheme, visit DCC webpage Here or email: [email protected]
We are still recruiting volunteers for our 2015 Summer Project and have extended the application deadline to 22nd May.
This year we will have group outings to Imaginosity, Bowling, Swimming, Fort Lucan, Glenroe Farm and much much more!
Get in contact now if you would like to join our team!
For more information Click Here >>
Aiden O’Donnell and Oliver Dolan of St. Michaels College visited the centre to present Tony Rock, the manager of Ozanam House, with a cheque of €8000 from the fundraising efforts of the students, parents and staff of St Michaels College.
A Huge THANKS to everybody at St Michaels for your kind and generous support, we are grateful for this kind and generous donation which will support the Summer Projects this year.
This gallery contains 7 photos.
And the winners are… Shane and Judith!
This gallery contains 18 photos.
Thank you all for your support!