Pool Competition: Round Two!

The atmosphere was electric this week as we entered Round Two of the Men’s Group Pool Competition. The race is on to get to the last four and there were fouls and free shots a-plenty as the tensions began to show, all in good fun of course! Two more matches on Friday then we take a break for a week and return for the semi-finals in the second week of June.


Pool Competition

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The time has come for this year’s pool competition. Round One began today and already there’s been some great matches. Some surprises, some upsets; an entertaining afternoon for everyone. We’ll keep you posted on how things go over the next few weeks – the fun has only just begun!


Mens Group photo

Ozanam House Men’s Group

Ozanam House Men’s Group is a welcoming and informal group. We meet twice a week, on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 2-5pm.

We enjoy lively chats and livelier pool games (previous experience not necessary!), simple food, and classes in computers, cooking, DIY, and music-making. We also go on regular outings, including a summer programme of day-trips away.

If you are a man over 40 and you’d like to make new friends, learn new skills, or just want somewhere to meet people for a chat, Ozanam House Men’s Group might be a good place to start.

Please contact me, Lee Casey, coordinator of the Men’s Group, on 01 8742804 for more information.