Adult Education Class Members created art pieces, clothing and different accessories in the past few months.
To round off the year we had a small social event and exhibition, followed by a presentation of certificates ceremony with the participants of the classes.
At the ExhibitionA Selection of Modern style paintingsFrom the Dressmaking classesA Selection of Paintings from Art Classes Dressmaking Display
If you are interested in taking some of our classes, just email us at [email protected] or call us at (01)8742804.
We are delighted to announce that our Adult Education Classes will be returning on the week of the 4th of October. Our 8-week programmes will start with Arts & Crafts (Wednesday/Thursday 9.30/11.00am), Sewing & Dressmaking (Tuesday/Thursday 6-7pm) and Yoga (Monday 6.15-7.15pm and 7.30-8.30pm).
We will be taking registrations this coming Wednesday the 22th of September here in Ozanam House from 10am.
We are starting adult classes on a phased basis. All classes are 90 minutes or less and start and finish times are staggered. We have increased cleaning before and after classes and throughout the building. Our class numbers are reduced in line with social distancing measures. All students and teachers will be required to wear face coverings in class and throughout the building.
Men’s Group
The lads are doing well. I’m calling them once a week and sending them out puzzles and quizzes to keep them occupied. Obviously, social isolation is not good for people’s mental health, so below are a number of helpful pointers if you feel you are struggling.
Our youth services are commencing back in phased bases where we see our youngest groups start back up from the week of 28th of September, our senior services the week of 5th of October with most of our music groups coming back on 3rd of October for Dance and Piano classes and 10th of October for Violin classes.
We would like to say a huge welcome back to all the children, young people and volunteers to the centre. It was so great to see so many familiar faces back in the centre again and doing what we do best, supporting each other and our service users in times when it’s needed the most.
October is Mental Health Awareness Month and every year we spend few sessions doing mental health workshops, this year is going to be no different and maybe even more important as we will be exploring the anxiety and stress of lockdown and the new ways of going about our lives in schools and clubs. This year we will be concentrating on finding ways to relax and take a break when things get a little bit too much for us. This is one of the posters one of our senior groups made last year for Mental Health Awareness month with some great suggestions.
Here is the latest update on our Adult Education Registration and start dates; Community Our Adult Education Classes come under Adult and Higher Education. Some classes will start on the 5th of October. For more details contact us on 01 8742804. Registration week will not take place next week. We will be accepting registrations for programmes via the letterbox or by phone over the coming weeks. We will be holding teacher training online during that time and now plan to commence a shorter 6-week term starting on October 12th.
Lesson 7 of our Art Class is available online and it focuses on Illustrative Portraits using chalk on black paper. This is our last lesson of the series. Enjoy;
The 4th Art Class lesson is on available on YouTube. Liz kindly posted it up. Make sure you follow the channel to keep up-to-date with all the lessons.