Our Adult Education Classes Are Still In Operation

Our Adult Education programmes are still in operation. We understand the importance of making contact with participants – checking in and letting them know what services they can avail of from us over the coming weeks and months. Our plan is to offer online learning platforms and supports and to run a shortened term of classes before or during the Summer depending on when we can re-open in the centre.

Some important points to note for now:

  • Anyone interested in doing a course with us in the future or availing of our education supports we will be offering over the next few weeks can register their interest by emailing [email protected]

In the mean time we will be offering the following services over the coming weeks

Our team of staff and teachers are planning to provide what resources we can to different classes through learner activity packs or online classes and tutorials. Some examples of these are:

  • Dressmaking – patterns and activities being sent to members or anyone interested (see above email address) so they can keep practising at home
  • IT – sharing exercises and learning resources that we will share online with them via our website
  • Cookery – recipes already being shared online including instructional videos. We will be posting recipes to people who don’t have Internet access. Online classes and demos are a possibility over the coming weeks
  • Mindfulness & Yoga – Exercises and activities and online classes being shared with participants by our teachers

So, watch this space for more great learning opportunities in Adult Education.