Sarah and Joe – Expectations and first impressions

14th March

What are your expectations about the show and the dancing lessons?

‘We are here to enter and win Ozanam Come Dancing and move on to greater and better things’!

How was your first dance practice? What are your first impressions?

‘It was daunting but also exciting!! We’ve discovered some hidden talents and we’ve released the “tiny dancers” from within…’

Sarah and Joe

Fiona and Dave – Expectations and first impressions

14th March

What are your expectations about the show and about the dancing lessons? 

“We want to be able to dance together without breaking limbs or causing concussion! To be super-nervous! Not to be asked too many questions by you about how we are getting on during practice and to raise loads of money for an awesome summer project 2014”!

How was your first dance practice? What are your first impressions?

“Shocking, scary and embarrassing were our first impressions”. Fiona said: “it also confirmed for me the words of my ballet teacher! We didn’t realise our co-ordination was so bad! Everyone seems really nice though. Our dance teacher June is great and so encouraging”!

Fiona and Dave

Ann and Gary – Expectations and first impressions

14th March

What are your expectations about the show and about the dancing lessons?

‘We hope to raise a good bunch of money for Ozanam Youth Programmes. We are also excepting to be able to complete a full dance routine without falling over’!

How was your first dance practice? What are your first impressions?

‘We were thinking: “What have we got ourselves into?” after struggling with our so called “simple” Waltz warm up!!!’

Ann and Gary

Lauren and James – Expectations and first impressions

14th March

What are your expectations about the show and about the dancing lessons? 

‘We’re really excited to be part of  Team OCD 2014 !! and raise a lot of money for the Ozanam House youth projects. James is petrified and forgot his name on the first lesson but we’re hoping with a bit of practice that we can get it right’.

How was your first dance practice? What are your first impressions?

”At our first practice we were told we were getting the hardest dance….sound! Hopefully we don’t get “shafted”.

Lauren and James

Alma and Jim – Expectations and first impressions

14th March

What are your expectations about the show and about the dancing lessons? 

‘We’re expecting to be at championship level and to be chosen for strictly next season on BBC as professional commentators and participants. And we also are expecting to win the shiny ball’.

How was your first dance practice? What are your first impressions?

Jim: “Ask Alma what it is like to be walked on. Have her feet recovered.” “Despite stomping on Alma’s feet I feel after one lesson I have outgrown her and will go on to be amazing”

Alma: “Maybe not Jim,…. we’ll see”

Ozanam Come Dancing 2014 Contestants Alma and Jim aka the "Dream