Dance: Disco
Song: September by Earth, Wind and Fire
I’m Caroline and I work for AIB. They have been supporting this event with some of my colleagues involved for many years so I am thrilled to be able to be involved myself this year. his is my first involvement with Ozanam House but having heard all about it I was blown away by what they do for the local community and now I’m really looking forward to volunteering & finding out all the ways they help the local community.
My dance career came to a halt aged 5 when my ballet teacher moved back to Greece! Time to rekindle that burgeoning dance career! So I hope to learn to dance, have fun & most importantly raise funds for a fantastic cause! My biggest fear, of course, is falling flat on my face in Liberty Hall! Am hoping though with June’s help that won’t happen!
When I heard about the Ozanam Come Dancing I initially wanted to be involved to raise funds for the charity and also because I genuinely enjoy dancing and always have. However, when I came to Ozanam House I was 110% committed to raising as much funding as possible for the centre and the people in the community.
Unfortunately, Dublin 1 is an area that has been left behind over the years as the rest of the city has grown and developed. The funds raised by the charity allow for adults and children in the local community of north inner city Dublin of all ages, to participate in activities that are simply not available to them elsewhere. I hope to do them proud.
If you would like to support us, you can do so through this link.