Childcare Centre Activities

We have lots of exciting things going on in our Childcare Centre this week. Check out what the different groups are up to!

Meerkats Group – Playgroup Activities

Sand and water:
Filling containers with water or sand learning to understand full, empty, half full, nearly full, heavy and light.
Using mathematical language to develop understanding of capacity throughout their play
Outdoor Fun:
Growing their own grass in individual pots
Explore and experiment with new materials and objects

Meerkats Group – Senior Afterschool

Dream Wall
Children will draw or paint pictures about what they would like to do when they grow up.
Things they dream about when sleeping or when day dreaming.
Body Mapping
Map out shapes of the body, fill them in either by painting or colour them in, these will go on the wall.

Koala Group – Pre School

Are continuing with the numeracy theme, focusing on capacity.
They are having lots of time outside playing in the sand.
Friday will be cooking day.

Koala Group – Afterschool

Are enjoying skipping and games in the hall.
Taking care of their plants in the garden.
Spending lots of time in the new sandpit in our outdoor area.
Wednesday’s they are creating amazing artwork through “Heads Up” project with an artist facilitator.

Dolphin Group – Pre School

The children are planning to play in the sensory garden with new water area that was created.
They will also be doing lots more threading activities, also doing more cutting with different materials

Dolphin Group – After School

The children are having a slumber party, making tents, playing games and making Rice-Krispie buns.
They will continue to learn and play different card games.


Childcare Centre News: June 22nd to 26th

Play Group Group

Preparing to say goodbye to some of the children and helping them with the transition from play group to pre-school. We will be having a party, lots of fun and games!

Meerkats Group

The children are winding down and getting ready for the summer and the Ozanam Summer Project. We will be having lots of fun and games!

Koala Pre-School

During their daily routine the children have lots of set activities such as; Hall Time for developing gross motor skills and Circle Time for language development through stories and songs. It also allows for the children to learn about how to take turns and a little formal learning like learning the days of the week.

Koala Afterschool Group

The children are firstly and most importantly given the opportunity to play. Play is an essential part of being a child, it allows children to work through any problems they may be experiencing, cement any current learning and develop their social skills.

The children have taken the seedlings that they planted earlier in the season, to look after themselves at home.

Dolphin Pre-School Group

The Dolphin class will be having lots of fun and games and face painting. As the free pre-school group will be finishing up on Thursday 25th June, it’s party time for all to celebrate the time they have spent in class with us.

Dolphin Afterschool Group

The children are very excited about their summer holidays from school. They really enjoy going to our computer room to play with the computers and playing Movie Star Planet. They are great at singing and dancing and love having a sing song in class.

  • Music Extravaganza on Tuesday.
  • Swimming on Friday.

Childcare Centre News: June 15th to 19th

Play Group

Speech and Language: “This, That, These and Those”

Children will be learning to answer when their name is called from a roll book, (e.g. “Anseo” = Here or Present).

Children take turns each day to set the table for snack time. This really helps them with self-esteem and confidence.



Poetry time

“How do I love thee” Poem by Barret Browning.

Shared Reading

Story Time “The Hobbit”


Koala Pre-school Group

Through play, the children make sense of the world around them, through play based curriculum. They also make friends, take turns and learn to manage conflict.

Koala After-school Group

We have a range of activities, Arts and Crafts,Cooking, Sports and Computers. The activities vary every week.


Dolphin Pre-school Group

The children are getting ready to go to school in September. We have lots of messy activities especially gluing and playing the animal sound game. The children really enjoy going to the hall to play games which help them understand the concept of sharing and taking part in teams.

Dolphin After-school Group

The children enjoy all kinds of arts and crafts. They draw everyday and show lots of creativity and imagination.

Tuesday – Music Extravaganza

Thursday – Adopt a Street Project in association with Dublin City Council


Childcare Messy Play


As part of a college project one of our students on placement invited parents in to the centre to explain the benefits of messy play.

Dolphin Messy play 009


Among the benefits, messy play is great for developing creativity and imagination.

Our student worked with the parents and children to show examples of  how to use everyday items in the home like flour, cooking oil and salt to create messy play sessions.

Parents were given a booklet with ideas and instructions around messy play.  It was a Dolphin Messy play 012great opportunity for parents and children to come together and learn something new.