Youth Activities for November 2023

Sunday        Monday        Tuesday        Wednesday        Thursday        Friday        Saturday
Creative Group

Art Activity in the Den

Art Activity in the Den
Senior Youth

Making Sushi in the Catering Room
Sports Group

Group Games    

Basketball in the Hall
Creative Group

Lego Challenge

Pop Music Quiz in the Den
Senior Youth

Group Quiz in the Catering Room
Sports Group

5:30-6:30pm (6-10)

Football in the Hall
Creative Group

in the Den

Tie-Dye Socks and Teeshirts in the Den
Senior Youth

Art Activity in the Catering Room
Sports Group

Group Games

Dodgeball in the Hall
Creative Group

in the Den

Creative Group (10-13)
Tie-Dye Socks and Teeshirts in the Den
Senior Youth

Board Games and Pool in the Catering Room
Sports Group

Group Games

Basketball in the Hall
Creative Group

Make Your Own Comic in the Den

Group Quiz in the Den
Senior Youth

Baking Christmas Cookies in the Catering Room

We have many activities and Projects for our Youth groups. Ages 6-18 can join, just email us at or call us on (01)8742804.

Recent Youth Activities – April 2023

Our Youth groups have been keeping themselves occupied with loads of different projects. Have a look at some of the pursuits they have up to.

We are planning our Summer Projects for Youth groups and will post more information here in due course.

Cookery – Pizza and Brownies

Cold Salami Flower/Rose – very fancy!
Looking very Tasty!!

Lego – Making mechanical gadgets


Mystery Game to challenge their detective powers.

We have many activities and Summer Projects for our Youth groups. Ages 8-18 can join, just email us at or call us on (01)8742804.

Do You Want to Learn How to Make a Movie?

Ozanam House & the Gaiety School of Acting have a 3 week course just for you!

This course will include the following modules:

  • Introduction to Acting Skills for Camera
  • An introduction to Directing for Film and TV
  • Creating powerful content on a low budget
  • Screenwriting tasks
  • Group and solo acting projects

No experience needed
Ages 12 -17
Limited spaces available
Contact Simon 085 162 1742
On Sat 4th, 11th, 18th Feb 10 – 12am

Youth Groups Starting Soon


Our Senior Youth Group (SYS) is a chance for young people to come together in a safe environment. They will learn various life skills as cooking and baking healthy meals and focusing on the importance of physical activity for mental health. It’s a chance for young people to socialise with friends and those outside their schools. Over the year we will be completing different workshops and programmes run by Aoife Lee for 4 weeks where we will cover modules such as better learning to manage your emotions and reacting to situations. Empowerment and self belief. Managing your inner critical voice and building self compassion.

Read/Download/Print the SYS Flyer for more information

OYG Creative

OYG Creative Clubs takes places on Wednesdays and are designed for participants to enjoy all things creative. We offer a wide variety of creative activities on rotation each week including: Drama, Arts, Crafts, Lego, and Music. Our groups are facilitated by experienced staff and volunteers as we aim to create a fun and safe environment for participates to be creative. We also aim to create pathways for participants to explore their create interest beyond our weekly group.

Read/Download/Print the OYG Creative Club Flyer for more information


OYG Sports Clubs takes places on Tuesdays and offer participants the chance to engage in a variety of sport on rotation each week including: Basketball, rugby, GAA and Football. Participants will get an opportunity to take part in sport specific workshop each week facilitated by experienced coaches including Community Sport Development Officers. Our aim is to provide a safe and fun environment for participant to try out as many sports as possible and to create pathways for participant to join local sport club in any/all the sports they take part in.

Read/Download/Print the Sports Club Flyer for more information

Music Club

The aim of our Music Club is to introduce music into the lives of the young people in our community. Our aim is to help children to express themselves and build their self confidence in an enjoyable musical environment. Although the focus of classes is on learning music we also want participants to meet new friends, develop a positive peer group and to have fun.

Read/Download/Print the Music Club Flyer for more information

We have fun classes and activities for youths. Ages 8-18 can join, just email us at or call us on (01)8742804.

Registration for OYG and SYS 2022

Registration for OYG and SYS groups is open in 2 weeks time and takes place at Ozanam House at the dates and times below. Activities start soon afterwards.

Places are filling up fast, so don’t delay!

Tuesday 13th September
Sports OYG 11-3pm
Sports OYG 23-5pm
Senior Youth Service5-7pm
Wednesday 14th September
Creative Club 11-3pm
Creative Club 23-5pm

For more information on OYG and SYS grinds, music, sports, creative and teenage activities for ages 8-18, just email Jade at or call us on (01)8742804.

Our Youth Groups Have Been Keeping Fit and Preparing for a Concert

This week, the young people and volunteers in our senior youth services were taking part in our Plank Challenge to see who would be able to do the longest plank. We had a lot of young people take part and do an amazing job at this! Doing a plank is a lot more difficult than it looks! Our winners for this did 5 and 3-minute planks each! 

This Saturday is our last day for Violin music classes. They have been practising different pieces to celebrate their last day with a small group concert. 

A Fun Week For Our Youth Groups Ahead

This week, we are starting a little project with our younger youth groups to stay connected. Postcards have been connecting people across the world since the late 19th century and once again they are a fab little way to say hello to our loved ones. We are going to be sending two cards from us; one with a little message from our leaders and a blank one the children can design and write on and pop it back in the post box. Any cards returned to us will be going up on our Grenville Street windows to see next time the children pass our side entrance! Very excited to get some cool art and messages from the children! ??

The weekly quizzes and general hang out with the older teenagers have been as fun and enjoyable as they usually are in the centre. It’s amazing to see the young people’s resilience and perseverance in such difficult times. This week, we are going to be starting a photo competition called ‘Moments of Joy’. It’s so important to take a moment in our days to notice all the beautiful and joyful things in small moments from getting an ice cream for a friend or taking a beautiful sunset in. Everyone is welcome to join the competition and send us beautiful photos. 

Our Violin classes are flying along with their fantastic online lessons. They started learning new blues pieces and created a virtual Blues Café, where they share their music. However, they have also started imagining and working on some decorations, menus and layouts for an actual Blues Café, for when we go back to Ozanam House. We hope to invite our parents and friends to come along for some jam sessions in the Café! Below are two pieces from our beginner’s class! 

This Saturday we are going to be celebrating the bank holiday weekend by dressing up for the classes and doing a mini home music festival! Hope everyone dusts their flower crowns down in time! ???

Our Youth Groups Activities For This Week

We have been working with the young people and volunteers through our online platforms on Instagram and Zoom. This varies day by day from giving them up to date current information on what is happening while promoting their continued adherence to physical distancing. In the last few weeks, we have done quizzes, arts and baking projects with the young people. We have also been building our online relationships with the youth group members and adjusting to the new way of communicating through social media. Checking in on them every few days and having a catch-up. Currently, we are doing Friday hangout sessions with young people and volunteers from our senior services once a week. 

For the younger children, we have been sending activity packs and activity project ideas to the parents to do with children. Our violin classes have adapted greatly to working through Zoom and have learned new skills they would have not otherwise. Parents are becoming involved in helping children tune their violins and go through their notes, providing learning and bonding for both. 

For the next two weeks, we will be continuing the work we have been doing so far. Sending another batch of activity packs to younger children, our violin classes are looking at ways of possibly doing an online Zoom concert or possibly putting a video together of everyone playing their pieces, this is something that will take a bit of work from all parties. One of our volunteers is going to be doing an art project for Instagram as well as inviting our Instagram followers to do a photography project with us, something that could easily be done while out for a walk.  Hopefully, our Zoom hangout will grow and we will be looking at different online games and projects we could do during the call. 


Happy Christmas from our Youth Groups

This gallery contains 14 photos.

We have had news of a Santa’s Sleigh sighting over Mountjoy Square! Even the little elves have appeared out of nowhere! Be aware of the special one with an extra creepy laugh!  Here at Ozanam House, Santa’s elves have been hard at … Continue reading

Ozanam Youth Programmes – Back Next Week

We can already feel the energy levels rising in the centre; our Youth Programmes kick-off again next week. We cater for all and offer a wide range of services to all ages, including our Music Club on Saturdays. If you want to know why it’s a good idea for your children to join, why not read the words of the kids that have already taken part?


“I LOVE TO MEET NEW friends”


Youth Programnmes General Flyer 2018