Ozanam Come Dancing 2022 Sponsors – Copper Face Jacks

Copper Face Jacks based on Harcourt St. have generously given their support to us for this event.

Ozanam Come Dancing would not take place as an event without the hard work and generosity of these companies that support us. Thank you!

Copper Face Jacks: https://copperfacejacks.ie


The dancers sponsored by Copper Face Jacks are Sandra and Noel. For more information and how to donate:

Check out more info about OCD2022 and how you can help:



Tickets are now on sale for our BIG annual Fundraiser Ozanam Come Dancing.

Join our host Brendan Courtney, our celebrity Judges, Thommas Kane-Byrne and the fantastic Katherine Lynch for a great night of fun, dance and fundraising.

Friday, November 18th at 7.30pm in Liberty Hall, Dublin 1.

Tickets are €25 and are ON SALE NOW from TICKET SALES.

Ozanam Come Dancing 2022 Sponsors – The Church

The Church Café, Late Bar and Restaurant, located on the junction of Mary St & Jervis St, has again assisted us with their great support as they have over many previous years.

Ozanam Come Dancing would not take place as an event without the hard work and generosity of these companies that support us. Thank you!

The Church

Check out more info about OCD and how you can help:


Ozanam Come Dancing 2022 Sponsors – Dance World

Dance World have a base close to Ozanam House, on Parnell St. and have generously given their support to us for this event since the early days and again have kindly stepped up to help.

Ozanam Come Dancing would not take place as an event without the hard work and generosity of these companies that support us. Thank you!


Check out more info about OCD and how you can help:


A Big Thank You to Cisco

We would like to thank the super folks at Cisco who graciously volunteered their time to bring a new lease of life to our catering room! For many years, Cisco have kindly helped us out with painting the building and their continued sponsorship and assistance is so appreciated by us at Ozanam House.

Many hands make light work! #cisco #csr #community #givingback


Ozanam Come Dancing – The Rehearsals Begin!

Ozanam Come Dancing is back and we kicked off with our first rehearsal night on Tuesday! We have 9 very excited couples and it is already setting out to be one fantastic event!

To enquire about the event, how to donate, how to get involved or for any other info, just email us at [email protected] or call us at (01)8742804.


Looking Back at Last Year’s Ozanam Come Dancing (Part 2)

Read more thoughts from the rest of the dancers as they prepared for their performances.

White Lane Photography

Have you signed up for this year yet? Email [email protected] or call (01) 874 2804 to find out more.

A sample of the thoughts:

Question 2:     What are you most nervous about on the night?

To be honest, tearing a hole in my fishnets. And Tiarnan dropping me!

(Ed: neither happened)

Question 3:     Do you have any funny stories from rehearsals so far?

Tiarnan calls me “Annette” when I get ratty with him. My alter ego, apparently.

Read More Thoughts